Meeting held on 16.4.07 between MCDC Project Officer Malcolm McNeill and Board of Directors

The purpose of the meeting was primarily for the Board of Directors to discuss with Malcolm McNeill the state of play and to look at the best routes forward.

Directors Present: - Martin Sampson, Peter Lindsay and Alistair Sinclair

Update Progress on existing projects

Woodworking Centre- Julia Whitaker has been working on funding for this project and she is going to continue to see this project through to completion.

Visitors by sea- Contacted Social Club re toilets/ showers, suggestion that Cal Mac might be looking at this as well, contacted Phil Preston (Port Manager) to find out. Lochaline Social Club in conjunction with MCDC are applying for Environmental Justice funding for this work, there was a question of ownership of  proposed extension to club , club will send representatives to meeting on 14.4.06. Copy of application forms were given to the club and they will fill in what they can and get back to MM.

Planning application to be made ASAP. Decided after discussion with Forward Scotland that application to EJ fund would be most appropriate course. Some club members already expressing concern re office and shop in proposed facility might be better located in old public toilets.

Answers needed to following-: Type of agreement needed with Social Club

Have swinging moorings still to go ahead? MS stated that they were not now going ahead.

It was agreed that we should speak to Ardtornish Estate re Lease for pontoon site. AS noted that we would also need permissions from the Crown Estate and Crown Moorings

MS noted that costs for pontoons obtained from Fusion Marine were approximately Ł600 per lm.

It was also agreed to speak to the Mine Manager regarding power supply for lights etc.

Golf Course- MM spoke to PL and gave copy of CERS application, Peter to fill in what he can and get back to MM, someone will attend meeting on 14.4.06 with Kirsty McColl, decided after discussion with Forward Scotland that application to EJ fund would be most appropriate course.

All other major points have been addressed apart from funding.

Meeting with Forward Scotland 14.4

This was held in MCDC office and was an open forum between 10.30-14.30 for any groups in the area interested in Forward Scotland funding which has an initial application deadline of 25.4.07 Representatives attended from Lochaline Social Club, Morvern Heritage Society (Larachbeg Laundry), Lochaline Golf and Sports Association and Lochaline Village Hall (extension and refurbishment to hall).

New ideas

MM has been discussing various ideas with people locally as well as his own input. It was felt it might be better if we tried to split ideas into major capital and non major capital, as this would be good to have a mixture of the above in case funding dries up for major projects.

Lesser Capital-

Local Business employment partnership. MM said that he had been involved with this type of scheme during his previous employment in Glasgow - Encouraging local employers to recruit locally, possibly offering training to young people (Glensanda, AE, Forestry Contractors, Tarmac, Forestry, Cal Mac, (cadetships) It was agreed that we would contact all major local employers to see how we could progress this idea. 

Beach and old mine plant- MM commented that this area is a disgrace, large decaying concrete walls and undermined footpaths greeting people arriving by sea, although this part might be capital intensive it was agreed that we should immediately look into trying to reinstate the beach, possibly installing picnic tables and barbecue facilities (we also have a ready supply of white sand in the area) and we will contact Tarmac to see if it will be possible to obtain some. It was noted that Tobermory and Oban have made attempts to reinstate their beaches over the years.

Installation of pontoons nearer to old pier area ,this was discussed at MCDC AGM in December, it might be possible that we can obtain some second hand walkways from local fish farms involving minimal costs but possibly getting a facility up and running as soon as possible. The suggested area was to the north of the ferry slipway inside the dolphin, although this does dry out at low springs it would still offer a tying up facility for small boats at most states of the tide. 

Ardtornish Market Gardens- With the retirement of Ian and Helen this year It was felt that we should encourage Ardtornish Estate to replace Ian and Helen not just close down what is a valuable local asset (possibly trying to recruit a young couple with children to help support the school) it was felt that many people would jump at the chance to do this for a living.

Promoting Morvern as a tourist Destination, In the longer term we should be promoting this area as a destination such as Mull and Ardnamurchan has done.

Ensuring Morvern has a voice in consultation for Marine National Park, MM stated that he had attended the roadshow in Fort William last year and registered his own personal opinions.With the two preferred options of Lochaber and South Skye/ Argyll Islands and coast both encompassing the Morvern Peninsula (and North Mull) the only two areas covered by both preferred options, it was felt that Morvern should have a strong voice in the consultation.

Find out about Scout Hall, The Scout Hall now appears to be unused and it was felt that this was a shame as many groups had benefited from it (mainly on an informal basis) over the years; it was decided to register an interest with Tarmac to see what the position was.

Getting voice on Sunart Oakwood’s, MS has contacted the group and suggested MM as a member.

Visiting Ships, Getting Waverley and other vessels to call in, with the annual visit to the West Highlands of the Paddle Steamer Waverley approaching it was decided that in future we should look at getting the ship and others to make calls at the pier providing a boost to tourism, whether this will be possible at the timber pier or not, investigate further

Major Capital-

Housing for Local Need, this is still a major local issue and not much appears to be happening, agreed to continue pursuing this, MS thought that we should register an interest in Fiunary Manse and it was agreed to do this

Use of waste timber With the Kiel Woodworking project hopefully coming nearer to fruition it was decided that we should look at possible uses for the bountiful supply of local waste timber such as the ideas Ian Shaw had proposed many years ago.

Creation of Crofts, This idea has been doing the rounds for some time now and it was felt that MCDC could help to promote this.

Possible land purchase from AE or FC, with the forestry and Ardtornish Estate being the major local landowners in the area it was agreed that we should register interest in any land that the Forestry had for sale as well as identifying potential sites of use. Discussion also took place regarding a possible community buyout of Ardtornish Estate should the present owners decide to sell, and it was felt that we should look further into this.

Building of road into Glensanda Quarry, the presence locally of one of Europe’s largest quarries was discussed and also the lack of direct benefit from the quarry in terms of local employment, the directors thought that a road into the quarry from Uillean would make the quarry an attractive place to work for local people with it only being 15-20 minutes drive away from Lochaline itself, this would hopefully see an injection of working people into the local economy such as happened with the sand mine, it was agreed that we would look into this idea.

Community buyout of Sand mine, stories are presently circulating that the mine may be closing, this would be a disaster for the community with 12 reasonably well paid jobs on the line it was felt that we should approach Tarmac to confirm or deny this, MM stated that the mine was very profitable years ago when he worked there and wondered where is it going wrong with tonnages produced only half of what they were a few years ago.

Renewable Energy Projects, again this has been going on for a while and we will continue to monitor the situation for community opportunity.

Other areas for discussion-

MM said that he was going to create a database of all residences, groups and businesses in Morvern to ensure that everyone is aware of MCDC and what it is there to do, he will distribute regular newsletters by email if possible which will also allow for easy feedback

Funding for existing post, Julia produced table indicating funding applied/ and to be applied for

MM asked about remit and geographical boundary of MCDC

MM suggested making contact with similar groups e.g. Gigha (major turnaround in population) Assynt, (land buyout) and any such similar

MM suggested Liaising with new school group re pessimistic view of school role for future (why not try to turn this around as has been achieved on Gigha!)

MM has been taking photos of all project sites to help in funding applications

It was agreed that the MCDC website should be updated.